Ah, yes, Norma Desmond’s famous line from the 1950 filmĀ Sunset Boulevard.
And suddenly, compliments of another one of Marshal Zeringue’s cool blogs, My Book, The Movie, Rachel Gold may be ready for her close-up. Marshal seeks out authors of new novels and asks them to cast the movie version. So when he got word that Face Value, the 9th in the Rachel Gold mystery series, was about to be published, Marshal offered me the chance to become a casting director.
As I explain in my post, which you can read here, the casting decision for the role of Rachel Gold has changed over time. The right actress to play her today is quite different from the one dating back 20+ years to the publication of the first book in the series, The Canaan Legacy (renamed in paperback Grave Designs).
See what you think of my casting suggestions.